Your Local ROTARY

- Our local Rotary Club, founded in 1979, is part of Rotary International, ranging from doctors and bankers to architects and educators.
- In a typical year, the North St. Paul, Maplewood, and Oakdale Rotary Club and its foundation spend more than $50,000 to improve lives locally and globally.
- Rotarians give their own time, treasure, and talent as part of their commitment to Rotary.
- Rotary was founded in 1905. Rotary has 1.2 million members in 35,000 clubs throughout 200 countries worldwide. Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders dedicated to providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations, and helping build goodwill and peace around the world.
- Our Rotary Club founded and continues to support the North St. Paul Foodshelf.
Before polio eradication efforts began a few decades ago, polio paralyzed 1,000 children a day and 350,000 a year. Rotary took the challenge of helping solve this worldwide tragedy in 1979.
Globally, Rotary has contributed more than $600 million toward eradicating the crippling disease. Locally, Rotary Clubs recently banded together to raise an additional $80 million, and the Rotary Club of North St. Paul, Maplewood, and Oakdale committed $10,000 over three recent years for the project.
Today there are less than 1500 cases of Polio per year thanks to Rotary. We will keep working eliminate Polio completely.
Safe Water
Water is the foundation for life, and access to a reliable source of safe, clean water is key to good health, proper hygiene, and sanitation. A ready water supply allows for increased food production, education, and economic independence. Over 44% of Tanzanians derive their daily water supply from polluted sources which often is transported miles on the heads of women and children.
Our Rotary Club has long recognized this and has financially assisted in developing or repairing over 100 wells in the central Tanzania area since 2002. In recent years, Rotarians were instrumental in purchasing a deep well drilling rig at the cost of more than $22,000. Our Rotary Club continues to support St. Paul Partners. This non-profit organization supplies wells and water systems for villages, secondary schools, orphanages, and dispensaries in Iringa, Tanzania.
Rotary continues to supply funding for villages to learn proper hygiene and sanitation to ensure their water wells will not become contaminated.
This is another way Rotary improves lives both locally and globally.